Tuesday, March 17, 2009

House Warming Party

As I am learning several traditions in Korea I find myself appreciating the little everyday occurrences that make social interaction a bit more unique. For instance, there is a common head bow with greetings and good-byes. Placing of ones hand under your right arm when pouring a drink, which if its alcoholic is poured by someone else. Koreans share everything at the table. Food, drinks, laughs. There is a chain reaction a lot of times when someone holds up a glass and says 'Kombe' or cheers. If you have a cup in front of you, you will raise it.

So when I was asked when I was going to have my house warming party, another Korean tradition I have since learned about, I opted to host the following weekend.

My director Grace and her daughter, Julia, Joy, Rani and Pam from work came bearing gifts such as a plant decoration thing I have seen all over Korea, which apparently helps with humidity in the summer, TP, and laundry detergent. Very thoughtful and extremely useful items. Also, a friend I met in Jeju, Jaemin from Seoul came by and joined in the festivities.

Take out called fire chicken, which is delicious and not as hot as it seems....

Grace's daughter looking like she is a bit too sleepy....

And there she goes....

Pam and Joy...love this picture.....

Digital cameras make it so you can't leave until the perfect picture has been captured...

Julia in a rare picture where, look, she is actually smiling and half-way posing for a picture. The blurry or hand-in-front of face picture ratio I have is about 50:1...

1 comment:

  1. how is the Fanta over there?
    Dan says hi
    i want to see more of your place
